The Worked Shoot Wrestling Blog

The Worked Shoot Wrestling Blog

Monday, February 10, 2014

Predicting The Card: Wrestlemania XXX

55 days and counting until Wrestlemania XXX in New Orleans and there isn’t a single match on the card that appears to be set in stone.  Under normal circumstances, we’d assume that the WWE World Heavyweight Championship match would be a singles match with the Champion, Randy Orton facing the winner of the Royal Rumble, Batista. The Internet wrestling news sites are telling me that there’s been some talk this week about adding Daniel Bryan into the mix.

Obviously, SOMEONE in the WWE front office read the first post of the “Worked Shoot” that went up last week about Daniel Bryan’s rising stardom.

I’m obviously just kidding, but a guy could dream can’t he? Speaking of dreams, Wrestlemania XXX is a milestone event for the company and in many ways, could be pivotal in changing the wrestling business, as we know it. If you read the second post of “The Worked Shoot” that also went up last week, you know all about that.

Wrestling fans everywhere have been thinking of “dream matches” all year that they’d want to see happen at the 30th anniversary of Wrestlemania. Most of those fans are hoping that the subject of the third post of “The Worked Shoot”, CM Punk is there. If you read that post, I came up with a scenario of how that could play out on television.

We already know that the subject of the fourth post of “The Worked Shoot” will be there. Congratulations again, Jake.

When I spent the day today thinking about what I should write next, my mind kept coming back to the uncertainty around the Wrestlemania XXX card. Therefore, this post is going to be my predicted matches and outcomes for the card.
Triple Threat Match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship

Randy Orton (champion) vs. Batista vs. Daniel Bryan
Outcome: Daniel Bryan wins via submission

20 years ago, the company workhorse, Bret “The Hitman” Hart walked out of Wrestlemania X as the WWE Champion to pave the way for smaller, talented technical wrestlers to be the “franchise player” in the wrestling business. 10 years ago at Wrestlemania XX, the company tried to do the same thing putting their faith into another company workhorse, Chris Benoit as the WWE Champion. We all know how that turned out.

Now, it seems as if it’s going to be Daniel Bryan’s time to shine. He’s been a workhorse and technical wrestling mastermind for the last few years. The fact is that the fans are begging for a change at the top of the card. Wrestling fans around the world are growing tired of “Hustle, Loyalty, and Respect”, and have started a “Yes” movement.

For years, a growing concern has been who would be the WWE’s franchise player when John Cena got too old to go anymore. Daniel Bryan is the people’s choice and it’s hard to see a scenario where the powers that be ignore that. They have to know the fans of New Orleans would riot if they got Randy Orton vs. Batista in the main event. This is Wrestlemania. This is the time to have the underdog come out on top, just like they did at Wrestlemania 10 and 20. Daniel Bryan will win when he makes Randy Orton tap out to the “Yes” lock and we will have a NEW “face of the WWE”.
“The Streak”

The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar w/Paul Heyman

Outcome: The Undertaker wins via submission

As the Undertaker comes near the end of his career and his undefeated streak at Wrestlemania stands at 21-0, it’s becoming less believable that any man could end the streak and beat the Undertaker. If there’s anybody in the world that could get on that microphone and persuade me otherwise though, it’s Paul Heyman. I have complete faith in the buildup to this match being excellent because Paul Heyman knows more about the wrestling business than anyone in the world. Jim Ross is a close second, but I digress. Brock Lesnar, former UFC Heavyweight Champion, is a legit bad ass and one of the toughest men breathing. Brock Lesnar embodies someone that’s good enough to threaten the streak and Paul Heyman will be masterful in expressing that fact verbally. 

Some people question whether the Undertaker could handle Lesnar’s rough, hard-hitting style in the ring, but I think he can. My prediction is that this match will be a match of the year candidate. The Undertaker will win when he makes Brock Lesnar submit to the Hell’s Gate. For the record, I don’t think the Undertaker’s streak will ever be broken, but it will end when he defeats John Cena in Dallas, Texas at Cowboy Stadium in Wrestlemania 32.

Singles Match

John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt

Outcome: Bray Wyatt wins via pinfall

From the moment that Bray Wyatt made his debut last summer, I told my friends that I thought that he’d be the perfect villain to match up against John Cena. Cena plays by the book. He’s a hero to the kids. Bray Wyatt says he doesn’t think there’s such thing as a hero. He’s a monster that just wants to see the world burn.

They started building this match already when the Wyatt family attacked Cena at the Royal Rumble and I believe the feud will go forward beyond Wrestlemania. Some question the choice to put Bray Wyatt into such a high-profile match so soon, but he’s got the chops for it. He’s the most diabolical promo guy since Jake Roberts and he has the ring skill to match. What a way to build a new star than to have him go over Super Cena in his first Wrestlemania match ever. Wyatt wins via pinfall after hitting Sister Abigail and the Wyatt Family carries John Cena out of the Superdome.
Title-Unification Match
Intercontinental Champion vs. United States Champion

Big E Langston (IC Champion) vs. Dean Ambrose (United States Champion)

Outcome: Big E Langston wins via The Big Ending after Roman Reigns spears Ambrose.

They’ve been teasing the breakup of the Shield for months and there are a lot of people that believe it’s going to happen before Wrestlemania, but I think they’re going to save it for the big show. Earlier in the night, Roman Reigns will be in a tag match that I’ll post about next and the Shield will lose that match due to an Ambrose interference gone wrong and it’ll screw them out of the WWE Tag Team Championships.

Roman Reigns will come out during Ambrose’s match to return the favor. The ref goes down, Reigns comes down to the ring angrily to a big pop and spears Ambrose. This turns Reigns babyface and leads to a feud between Reigns and the Shield, who will stay together and replace Reigns with a new powerhouse, Mason Ryan. Big E wins both belts and becomes the Unified Champion. It’ll be called the Intercontinental Championship and the US title name will go away.
Tag Team Turmoil Match for the WWE Tag Team Championships

New Age Outlaws: Road Dogg and Billy Gunn (Champions) vs. The Shield: Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins vs. Rybaxel: Ryback and Curtis Axel vs. The Usos: Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso vs. The Real Americans: Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro vs. Los Matadores: Fernando and Diego vs. The Wyatt Family: Luke Harper and Erick Rowan vs. Dolph Ziggler and The Miz

Outcome: The Wyatt Family wins when Luke Harper pins the Miz.

There’s a lot going on here, but I think it’s a great way to showcase the revamped tag team division on the grandest stage of them all. There have been reports out there stating that Dolph Ziggler and the Miz are going to join forces as disgruntled talents that believe they’re being mis-used. If that’s the route they’re going, I think they’ll be a force to be reckoned with. I’d throw the tag belts on them too, but not yet. They need to chase a bit first to make the title win mean a little more, and I think that the Wyatt Family are the right opponents for that. Also, as I said in my prediction for the previous match, I think Dean Ambrose will be involved in the Shield being eliminated from this match and this will be the driving force behind Roman Reigns turning on Ambrose later on in the show. 

Singles Grudge Match

CM Punk vs. HHH

Outcome: CM Punk wins via pinfall

CM Punk will be back in time for Wrestlemania. He’s not going to miss the paycheck. After all, if Punk really were leaving, he’d be a fool not to grab one last Wrestlemania paycheck. CM Punk will have a “come to Jesus” meeting with Vince McMahon in the next two weeks to air out any and all issues and they will come to an agreement because the fact is that Vince McMahon WANTS CM Punk at Wrestlemania. The fans WANT CM Punk at Wrestlemania. Stockholders WANT CM Punk at Wrestlemania.  They were building this match up prior to Punk’s absence from the company, but if anything, I believe that Punk walking out on the company a few weeks ago will only add fuel to the fire for the Wrestlemania feud against HHH. A key point in the build will be HHH saying that the “WWE doesn’t NEED CM Punk to survive” and CM Punk rebutting with “CM Punk doesn’t NEED the WWE to survive”.

CM Punk wins with a GTS after a great match.
WWE Divas Championship Match

AJ Lee (Champion) w/ Tamina Snuka vs. Natalya w/ Michelle Beadle

Outcome: Natalya wins via submission

Yes, I think that Michelle Beadle will be a part of Wrestlemania. A few months ago, a story blew up on social media claiming that AJ Lee and Michelle Beadle got into a backstage altercation at the Tribute for the Troops show. They’ll capitalize on this and get this story out in the public.

I’m banking on this being the best Divas match that we’ve seen in years with Michelle Beadle getting involved to help Natalya win the Divas championship and have her much deserved Wrestlemania moment.
Brother vs. Brother Grudge Match

Cody Rhodes vs. Goldust

Outcome: Cody Rhodes via pinfall

The build started at the Royal Rumble when Cody Rhodes and Goldust lost the tag team championships. Later in the show, Goldust eliminated Cody Rhodes from the Royal Rumble match. The last couple weeks on Raw, the brother duo is losing tag matches after a red-hot couple months on top. Shortly after the Elimination Chamber, Goldust’s patience will run thin with Cody’s hotshot tendencies and he’ll attack his younger brother. The next week, Goldust will challenge Cody to a match at Wrestlemania that he’ll accept. I don’t think either man will be cast into a heel role, nor do I think this feud will last beyond Wrestlemania. Cody Rhodes pins his brother after hitting the Cross Rhodes. He helps Goldust up after the match and they hug. This has the potential to be the show stealer.
Singles Match

Rey Mysterio vs. Sin Cara

Outcome: Rey Mysterio via pinfall

Since they debuted the Sin Cara character in the WWE, they’ve bounced around the idea of attempting to get into the Guinness book of records at Wrestlemania for the most people wearing masks in one place.

It never happened because well, the old Sin Cara couldn’t stay healthy, made too many mistakes, and killed all the momentum that he had. Now with Hunico under the mask, they’ll pull the trigger on this and it’ll be a fun little opener with Rey Mysterio getting the pinfall win over Cara. Cara will be the heel here and will attack Rey the next night on Raw to keep this feud going.
Key Omissions from the Mania card: Alberto Del Rio, Sheamus, Big Show, Mark Henry, Kane, Christian

To elaborate on this, I won’t doubt that some of these guys or perhaps all will be involved in the show in some way. Unfortunately on a show of this magnitude, you can’t include everybody. Del Rio is disgruntled and that’ll hurt his status. Sheamus will miss out only because they’re putting Daniel Bryan in the Main Event.  Also, it’s likely that Kane may get involved in the Punk vs. HHH match. The other guys will take a step aside for some of the new talent to shine. And for the record, I DON’T think that Rob Van Dam or Chris Jericho will be back for Mania. Neither will Sting. He’ll make his debut on the Raw after Wrestlemania.
Before I sign off, I do have one final prediction of the night however.

Host of Wrestlemania XXX: Hulk Hogan

It’s hard to believe that they’ll have Wrestlemania XXX without Hulk Hogan. He can’t wrestle and God knows that there aren’t too many people that would want to see him try at his age and health. So, this is the best role for him. He’ll play a vital role in the show, as he should. I say put him in Piper’s Pit. That would be golden.

What do you think the Wrestlemania XXX card will look like? What do you think of this one? Leave a comment in the comment section below, tweet me at @majorlugo or e-mail me at Continue to show your support for "The Worked Shoot" Wrestling Blog by liking our fan page on Facebook.

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